Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a case report

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Xiomara Serpa-Romero
Paula Guarín-Rodríguez


Recurrent aphthosus stomatitis is an alteration of the oral mucosa in some cases associated with depression of the immune system that affects the tissue response at the level of the epithelium, triggering repetitive clinical picture of small and medium ulcers (3-5 mm) which necrotic presented erythematous background and lasting no more than 15 days. The picture becomes recurrent, symptomatic, compromising the health of the patient who consults again with the same characteristics in oral cavity. The literature associates the process with hormonal changes, trauma, prolonged intake of medications, and stress. A case of female patient 53, who attends the service of dentistry to present multiple oral thrush that hard to swallow, drooling and feverish marked presents in Santa Marta, at the Center for Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation. According to the interrogation and clinical examination it is associated with a reactive inflammatory process caused by the intake of drugs to treat infectious or viral process, which is given the presumptive diagnosis of erythema drug. Any medication intake was suspended and additional tests are ordered antinuclear antibodies


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How to Cite
Serpa-Romero, X., & Guarín-Rodríguez, P. (2016). Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a case report. Duazary, 13(2), 159–162.
Clinical report
Author Biographies

Xiomara Serpa-Romero, Universidad del Magdalena

Odontóloga, Especialista en Estomatología y Cirugía Oral. Docente

Paula Guarín-Rodríguez, Universidad del Magdalena

Estudiante de odontología


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