Reason for nursing mothers: an experience from the ability to listen
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education on breastfeeding

How to Cite

Vásquez Munive, M., Romero Cárdenas, Ángela, & Rivas Castro, A. (2012). Reason for nursing mothers: an experience from the ability to listen. Duazary, 9(2), 116–122.


Many studies on the benefits of breastfeeding and causes of abandonment of breastfeeding, but not explored the reasons to breastfeed, that motivated this study on the motivations of the mother to breastfeed. We conducted a qualitative study, using an unstructured interview with 11 mothers who use the services of an institution of low complexity. Interviews were conducted until the field was saturated and the responses were constructed three categories of analysis: individual determinants, family determinants and social determinants. It the importance that the decision to breastfeed play the support of the couple and the family and education on breastfeeding during the prenatal and immediate postpartum. The importance that the decision to breastfeed plays the support of the couple and the family, education on breastfeeding during the prenatal and immediate postpartum.
PDF (Español (España))


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