Analysis of the psychometric properties of the spanish version of the diabetes empowerment scale (des-lf-s)
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diabetes mellitus

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Balcázar-Nava, P., Gurrola-Peña, G. M., Moysén-Chimal, A., Urcid-Velarde, S., Garay-López, J. C., Velasco-Fuentes, M. C., … Estrada-Laredo, E. (2016). Analysis of the psychometric properties of the spanish version of the diabetes empowerment scale (des-lf-s). Duazary, 13(2), 95–104.


The purpose of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of Anderson, Funnell, Fitzgerald y Marrero´s Diabetes Empowerment Scale, Long Form-Spanish (DES-LF-S), in 528 diabetic adults. The confirmatory factor analysis stated that the model that best adjust to the data has a tridimensional structure and replicates the structure of the scale in its original version. Items of the scale explained 63.79% of variance. The scale showed satisfactory levels of internal consistency, obtaining a Cronbach´s Alpha of .96; additionally percentiles for the interpretation of individual results were obtained. These findings support the use of DES-LF-S to evaluate self-efficacy related to diabetes in adults.
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