Platelet count in healthy subjects treated with antiplatelet drugs
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Platelet-Rich Plasma

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González-Rincón, M., Arteaga-Vizcaino, M., Ruíz, A., Briceño, O., Quintero, M., Quintero, J., & Urdaneta, J. R. (2016). Platelet count in healthy subjects treated with antiplatelet drugs. Duazary, 13(2), 87–94.


Platelet count in peripheral blood of healthy subjects with antiplatelet drugs. 20 subjects were analized. They were distributed in two groups: subject A: 10 who received aspirin (100 mg) and B:10 with Clopidogrel (75 mg) for 7 days. In all subjects studied platelet count in peripheral blood and PRP. It found a platelet count before treatment with antiplatelet agents in peripheral blood of 258,6 ± 54,46 x 109 l and 7 days after 254 ± 41,86 x 109 l (aspirin) and 285,4 ± 70, 196,5 ± 37,90 x 109 l (Clopidogrel) respectively. In the PRP of subjects before receiving aspirin was 486,5 ± 129,54 x 109 l and after 449,2 ± 85,51 x 109 l; prior to Clopidogrel ingestion was 565,2 ± 150,41 and 592,9 ± 203,46 x 109 l after treatment. Significant differences were found only for the platelet count in the Clopidogrel Group (p < 0.05). A significant decrease in platelet count was observed in peripheral blood after administration of Clopidogrel, possibly as a result of its pharmacological mechanism. More studies are needed to assess a greater number of individuals and better measure the effect of antiplatelet agents.
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