Descripción del consumo de medicamentos en víctimas de incidentes viales en un servicio de urgencias

Palabras clave

accidentes de transito
preparaciones farmaceuticas
adulto mayor
estudios transversales

Cómo citar

López-Bernal, P. A., Tamayo-Pretelt, J. N., Rubio-Gutiérrez, N. J., Losada-Suárez, A. M., Palacios-Ariza, M. A., & Escobar-Wilches, D. C. (2024). Descripción del consumo de medicamentos en víctimas de incidentes viales en un servicio de urgencias. Duazary, 21(2), 140–147.


Introduction: Some medications could affect driving ability in traffic accidents and increase accident rates. Objective: To describe the pharmacological consumption profile of patients treated for traffic accidents in Bogotá, Colombia. Method: A cross-sectional study was implemented based on the medical records of patients admitted to an emergency department due to traffic accidents in 2019. Sociodemographic variables and pharmacological history were described. The Mann-Whitney U test compared age and hospital stay between patients consuming and not consuming medications. Results: 1037 records were reviewed; 67% were men. 9.6% of patients were taking drugs; antihypertensives were the most common. The age of patients who consumed medication was significantly older than those who denied such consumption (p<0.001). Conclusions: Medication consumption is low among people in traffic injured in Bogotá, Colombia. More studies are needed in this area.


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