Information and communication technologies in the in medium-sized companies: case Valledupar, Colombia


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ICT; technological tools; medium-sized companies.

How to Cite

Cárdenas-Pinzón, S. Y., Montero-Estrada, D. C. ., Molina-Romero, S. J. ., & Boom-Cárcamo , E. A. . (2023). Information and communication technologies in the in medium-sized companies: case Valledupar, Colombia. Clío América, 16(31), 782–794.


The objective of this work is to analyze information and communication technologies (ICT) in medium-sized companies in the city of Valledupar, Colombia. The research was developed under a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, transactional approach. A survey of 22 items validated by experts was applied and of which 19 items acquired a confidence of 0.82 %. Due to the lack of response from the entrepreneurs, the analysis of the results was carried out through a non-probabilistic sample, since from a population of 87 companies only 15 responded. It is confirmed that the factors of adoption of ICT tools (human talent capacity, hardware capacity for the technological structure, software capacity, financial capacity, information quality, and economic activity) are effectively relevant to make good use of said tools. Regarding the importance of ICT tools, the impact that these tools have on business competitiveness is corroborated, since 86 % —that is, 13 of the 15 companies— mention having increasingly better competitiveness.
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