Employee motivation: importance, evolution and emerging approaches using scientometric analysis


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job performance; employee motivation; Tree of Science (TOS); self-determination theory; human management.

How to Cite

Erazo-Muñoz, P. A., Escobar-Ospina, A. L., & -Pineda, S. A. (2022). Employee motivation: importance, evolution and emerging approaches using scientometric analysis. Clío América, 16(31). https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.4907 (Original work published May 31, 2022)


The purpose of this review is to analyze the evolution and trends of publications on employee motivation from 2000 to 2021. To analyze the publications by year, journal, country and author, bibliometrix of the R software was used. To understand the evolution of the topic, the tree of science algorithm is used, with the Tree of Science (TOS) software and the approaches are worked through a cocitation network analysis. Among the main results are the seminal and structural papers in the study of employee motivation, including Maslow's classic Theory of human motivation, Hackman and Oldham's Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory and Ryan and Deci's Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Three emerging approaches were identified: 1. factors affecting employee motivation, 2. new theories of employee motivation, and 3. psychological aspects of workers related to motivation. It is recommended that organizations create employee motivation programs because it contributes to the improvement of individual and organizational performance.
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