Organizational development micro garment sector seven sport of august- Bogota
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Camargo-Torres, L. H. (2013). Organizational development micro garment sector seven sport of august- Bogota. Clío América, 7(13), 25–47.


His article presents the result of the research that is being carried out at the present, the subject relays on the diagnostic of the sports clothing confection microenterprises organizational development, this being placed on the August the Seven area in Bogota, the research is based on the theory of organizational development, focused from the factors of the sorroundings and the way how the organization it’s designed to face the results measured from the efficiency point of view. The concept of organization it’s assumed as an opened system and the opened system diagnostic model that allows the identification of efficiency induction factors on each level of the organization, that area: organizational level, group level and individual.
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