Hospitality and informal work in the tourism sector: a reflection in times of covid-19


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Regalado-Calanche, D., Obispo-Salazar, K., & Rosero-Sarasty, O. (2021). Hospitality and informal work in the tourism sector: a reflection in times of covid-19. Clío América, 15(29), 592–600. (Original work published May 31, 2021)


The purpose of this article is to reflect on some effects generated by Covid - 19 on tourism, particularly on the hotel industry and informal work. The text has two sections: First, it analyzes the importance of human resource management and practices such as training, as they enable the development of competencies in leaders and employees during and after the pandemic. Second, data and some consequences of Covid -19 on informal workers are described. Then, some suggestions for the reactivation and biosecure maintenance of tourism are presented. Finally, it is concluded that tourism has been characterized by being resilient to different pandemics. Covid-19 is conceived as an opportunity to strengthen human resources management practices in formal work and to consider the implementation of biosafety measures for informal workers to guarantee the development of their activity.
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