Perception of Poverty in Colombia in the Years 2003 and 2016


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Subjective Poverty; Wellbeing; Living Conditions; Poverty Measurements; Colombia

How to Cite

Niño-Muñoz, D., & Morera-Ubaque, N. (2022). Perception of Poverty in Colombia in the Years 2003 and 2016. Clío América, 12(23), 25–38. (Original work published July 19, 2018)


The perception of poverty in Colombia allows to complement the diagnoses on welfare in the country, in order to ensure its economic and social development. For this reason, this article analyzes the incidence of individual characteristics and environment on the perceptions of poverty reported by Colombians in 2003 and 2016. For this, two models are estimated: a probit and a generalized ordered logit, using the National Quality of Life Survey for both years. It can be concluded that monetary income continues to be important to face the feeling of poverty, although its contribution has lost its weight, and other factors have been positioned, such as a good state of health, access to new technologies and solutions to vehicular congestion, among others. Finally, this study shows that there are factors that continue to be necessary to reduce people’s perception of poverty but have not been sufficient to change their perception.
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