Content analysis and message characteristics of Twitter: a case study of high-end makeup

Contenido principal del artículo

Cindy Paola Pinzón-Ríos
Ignacio Osuna-Soto
Ernesto Barrera-Duque


This paper seeks to understand the impact of social media user interactions on luxury makeup brands’ strategies. We used a mix of methodologies. The qualitative method was useful for content analysis on Twitter for two months of 2016. The quantitative method applied a zero-inflated Poisson regression model to determine tweet characteristics related to replies and an extensive interaction volume. This study reveals that the user report was predominant in the consumer journey concerning pre-purchase and post-purchase, but interaction prevails at the extremes of the journey. Also, tweet interaction increases with hedonistic values, specifically beauty, but surprisingly, links and videos within the tweet content undermine interaction. Pragmatically, luxury makeup brand marketers can use these findings to improve marketing strategies and explore new opportunities for the consumer journey.


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Cómo citar
Pinzón-Ríos, C. P., Osuna-Soto, I., & Barrera-Duque, E. (2021). Content analysis and message characteristics of Twitter: a case study of high-end makeup. Clío América, 14(28), 541–558. (Original work published 20 de noviembre de 2020)
Artículo de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica


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