How to identify resilience? An analysis from the perspective of identity and competence
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González Gómez, Y., García Rivera, M., & Ferrer Garay, A. (2009). How to identify resilience? An analysis from the perspective of identity and competence. Praxis, 5(1), 117–137.


The Resilience term has been used since the 90 as a concept and as a qualifier, to designate positive overcoming adverse situations. From various currents in psychology, resilience has been considered a process and a capacity of the subject, leading to the development of technical strategies and intervention programs that attempt to promote and / or strengthen it; to identify clearly the resilience, psychology associated with the identity, location as part of that process in which the human subject is built as a single and both dependent on others. On the other hand have been established indicators associated with resilience capabilities and skills of the subject that exceeds a situation mishaps, coupled with specific conditions of the environment. Surge is a relationship between the concept of resilience and skill, defining characteristic of a subject for know-how and know about the know-how in a specific context. Such a relationship helps the identification of resilience in a clear and concrete connecting it with the symbolic world, the discourse that gives life to human action.
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