Action research and holistic pedagogy inclusive configurational, playful and creative for the stimulation of the power assigned
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How to Cite

Molina Saumeth, A. Y., & Mejía Porto, H. de J. (2010). Action research and holistic pedagogy inclusive configurational, playful and creative for the stimulation of the power assigned. Praxis, 6(1), 143–160.


This article talks about the preponderance of the enforcement of inclusive teaching strategies, fun and creative in enhancing emotional competencies of seventh graders from the school Victor Alvarez Camargo in the socio cultural amphibious Plato Magdalena. It has been structured action research with a holistic approach which interacts configurational consistently dimensions of that system: design, implementation and evaluation, construction and scientific theoretical and conceptual production resulting from the actions that are set in the natural environment, advance through cyclical and spiral, where production is built through the action reveals the characteristic features of the recurrent problems through a constant coming and going with the intention of emphasizing what is relevant and significant in affecting those involved in the change of attitude about the role of educating the new generations in the face of reality is perceived in this new century.
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