Implementation of the International Training Program for Foreign Languages (FILEX) in University Health Sciences of the University of Guadalajara and its results
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Self Acces Center
Level B1
English as a Foreign Language

How to Cite

Miranda Lavastida, A. J., Zambrano Guzmán, R., Lara García, B., Nava, G., Varela, J., & Hernández Ruiz, E. (2010). Implementation of the International Training Program for Foreign Languages (FILEX) in University Health Sciences of the University of Guadalajara and its results. Praxis, 6(1), 109–122.


This article presents the results obtained in the diagnosis carried out by 1st and 3rd year Undergraduates of some of the degrees offered by the Health Sciences Center of the University of Guadalajara, in relation to the level of English that the students had as a Foreign Language, and a brief summary of the results achieved after the implementation of the FILEX program through the self-access learning center. It emphasize the importance and the necessity of contemplating the academic offer of obligatory English teaching, to ensure  2 that students graduate with a level B1 according to the MCRE, as well as ensuring the possibility of participating in the student movement achieving some of the goals of the institutional development plan.
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