Knowledge management and research culture. A theoretical-critical approach
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Scientific Knowledge Managemen
Research Culture
Subprogram in Doctorate Studies.

How to Cite

Marín, L. C. (2010). Knowledge management and research culture. A theoretical-critical approach. Praxis, 6(1), 53–73.


In the light of the complex multicultural connections in a global society, knowledge possibilities in the context of a knowledge society and a planetary era are countless. This special feature of today’s world leads us to bring into question the epistemology and the theory about Social Sciences knowledge and more specifically, on the field of Education Sciences. This particular epistemological challenge unravels the ontogenic complexities within the Higher Education system, doctorate research, knowledge management, and research culture. In fact, this research is aimed at generating a theoretical-critical reconfiguration on knowledge management and research culture in the framework of doctorate studies of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. In these circumstances, it is assumed that the main axis of research in doctorate studies must be developed on the basis of scientific knowledge management in order to collectively build a research culture. Therefore, this research is based on the contributions of the critical theory. The subject of study will be treated from an epistemologic point of view on the basis of interpretative paradigms in the frame of trans-disciplinary thinking and the hermeneutical method taken from a field research of interpretative nature. Some professors and doctorate students are intended to be interviewed, whether they are finishing their studies or graduated from the subprogram in doctorate studies in all the campus of the country. For this purpose, many techniques common in the qualitative research methods will be applied, as well as the constant comparative method. Finally, the process of critical analysis, interpretation of emerging categories and the researcher’s thoughts will be the cornerstone of a new theoretical-critical corpus about knowledge management and research culture of the context in question.
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