Constructivist and researchers university experiences with social software
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Educational Technology
Cooperative Learning
Social Software

How to Cite

López Meneses, E., & Gómez Galán, J. (2010). Constructivist and researchers university experiences with social software. Praxis, 6(1), 15–31.


This research analyzes different innovative university experiences with blogs. We carry out these experiences in the first four-month period of the academic course 2008-09 in the University of Extremadura (Spain). The qualitative data was obtained by the commentaries realized in the groups of class discussion, the analysis of the contents of the electronic mail messages and the comments sent to the blog of the subject. The study emphasizes the potential of the blogs as a didactic resource in Superior Education and as a means of communication among the members of the educational community. The research also concludes that the student should carry out an active and reflexive role.
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