Approaches and models of intercultural education
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Intercultural society
multicultural contexts
social diversities
world citizenship
education global
feeling of belonging
inequitable distribution of wealth
structural violence
approaches and models of inte

How to Cite

Sánchez Fontalvo, I. M. (2011). Approaches and models of intercultural education. Praxis, 7(1), 30–41.


Needed to be aware of the need to build an intercultural society, awareness must be assumed in all social spheres, where stands the role play education. A role of transcendental, since it must promote educational spaces to form people with virtues and powers that allow them to live together / as in multicultural contexts and social diversities (sometimes uneven) in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, and foster the development of feelings of civic belonging shared before the neighborhood, city, region and country, allowing them concern and critical judgement to marginalization, poverty, misery and inequitable distribution of wealth, causes of structural violence, but at the same time, wanting to work for the welfare and transformation of these scenarios. Since these budgets, it is important to know the approaches and models of intercultural education that have been developed so far, analysing their impact on the contexts educational where apply.
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