Botanical knowledge in rural school students: a guide to its recognition in Natural Science classes
Revista Praxis volumen 17
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school scientific knowledge; curriculum; science teaching; ethnobotany.

How to Cite

Hernández-Barbosa, R. (2021). Botanical knowledge in rural school students: a guide to its recognition in Natural Science classes. Praxis, 17(2), 140–152.


The purpose of this text is to describe a methodological proposal to identify, characterize, classify, systematize and value the knowledge that students from schools in the rural sector have about plants. The proposal also takes into consideration the importance of recognizing and valuing the ethnobotanical knowledge of a community and its incorporation into the school, particularly in Natural Science classes. It is a possibility that can be revitalized and restructured considering, among other things, the vision of science, knowledge, study plans, institutional resources and, of course, cultural contexts, among other aspects. The development of this proposal favors, among other things, the creation of "bridges" between traditional knowledge and scientific school knowledge about plants. It is an invitation for teachers to contribute to developing more favorable and positive attitudes towards the cultural context, towards science itself, and for students to feel more motivated and committed to their environment and natural wealth.
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