Tipos de actividad cognitiva y grado de pensamiento espacial en estudiantes de grado noveno al representar poliedros
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pensamiento espacial
actividad cognitiva
representaciones semióticas

How to Cite

Sánchez Barrera, Y. Y., & Peña Garzón, L. G. . (2023). Tipos de actividad cognitiva y grado de pensamiento espacial en estudiantes de grado noveno al representar poliedros. Praxis, 19(1), 69–86. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.3868


Spatial thinking is one of the central axes of the study of geometry, which occupies an important position in the curriculum at different educational levels. In this paper we determine the types of cognitive activity and the level of spatial thinking of a group of ninth year students in their experience with semiotic representations of polyhedra. Their definitions of prism and pyramid were compared with those given by a group of first-semester undergraduate students in Mathematics. This comparison lead us to analyse the way these objects are presented in textbooks and websites. A mixed research approach was used, with an action research design, supported by Raymond Duval's theory of semiotic representations. The analysis of the tests determined difficulties in the use of verbal language when describing polyhedra and a low level of spatial thinking to transform a 3D figure. It was also found that there is no significant difference in the conceptions of 3D objects given by the two groups of students. Part of this confusion was attributed to errors present in some textbooks and websites.
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