La evaluación de programas de preparación para la universidad: un pendiente en la educación latinoamericana
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Readiness; Enroll; Academic Performance; University.

How to Cite

Hoyos Figueroa, A., Hernndez Enriquez, C., & Vélez Santamaría, H. H. (2023). La evaluación de programas de preparación para la universidad: un pendiente en la educación latinoamericana. Praxis, 18(1), 33–49.


This systematic review of the literature of papers that present the results of the evaluation of programs oriented in the United States with high school students, to promote the enroll and successful development of their undergraduates, reveals an emphasis on interventions to strengthen the appropriation of content and the contribution of these initiatives in the improvement of academic averages during high school and in the entrance, academic success and graduation in their undergraduate programs. The comparison of public policies that support related programs carried out in Latin America highlights the evaluation of university preparation interventions as a pending task that needs to be strengthened to support and improve decision-making in university higher education policy.
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