Orality in higher education. Some notes on the relationship (oral argument - courtesy verbal) from a study conducted at the University of Quindío (Colombia)
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Oral argumentation
verbal politeness
first language didactics.

How to Cite

Rodríguez, D. M., & Valencia, L. M. (2012). Orality in higher education. Some notes on the relationship (oral argument - courtesy verbal) from a study conducted at the University of Quindío (Colombia). Praxis, 8(1), 106–117. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.37


The following article aims to outline a theoretical reflection regarding the oral argumentation skills of a few students of the Universidad del Quindío, with whom progress has been made on an investigation concerning first language didactics. Said process is structured around the establishment of prototypical traits in the participants’ oral argumentative speech, some of the principles of verbal politeness involved in discussions, and the problematic nature of the relation between these factors (oral argumentation – verbal politeness). For this purpose, we divided the text into four excerpts which were dealt with in the following order; description of the work corpus and context of intervention; general observations on the importance of classwork relating to oral language; theoretical framework; and partial results of the process.
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