Contemporary educational realities in the mathematics teacher profile in Colombia
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Professional Training; Teacher Occupational Profile; Math Teacher; Degrees‘Quality Standard; Statute of Teaching Professionalization.

How to Cite

Valbuena-Duarte, S., Porras García, M. E., & Barrios Cogollo, C. F. (2021). Contemporary educational realities in the mathematics teacher profile in Colombia. Praxis, 17(1), 39–54.


The professional training of graduates is regulated by the Ministry of National Education in Colombia with regulations in decrees and resolutions. The most recent Resolution 18583 (2017) establishes the criteria to achieve the necessary quality parameters in these academic programs, relevant and incident in the formation of professionals in disciplinary knowledge, specific didactics, and development of experience in educational and pedagogical practice in the discipline. On the other hand, the current Decree 1278 (2002) lists professionals, other than graduates, who can work as mathematics teachers. Therefore, this work investigates the realities and relationships between the quality of education and occupational and training profiles among graduates and other professionals working as mathematics teacher in elementary and middle school in Colombia. For this purpose, the methodology used was based on a concurrent triangular type design, with a mixed approach. The study allowed the identification of difficulties in disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge of the future teacher, in addition to establishing relationships between the profiles of the mathematics teacher and the quality of education according to the Colombian norm. The study is relevant because it is often questioned from the student learning outcomes.
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