Using technology to promote reading comprehension in autistic children
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Special needs education; Multimedia Instruction; Learning processes; Teaching; Cognition; Reading Comprehension.

How to Cite

Badillo-Jiménez, V. T., & Iguarán-Jiménez, A. M. (2020). Using technology to promote reading comprehension in autistic children. Praxis, 16(1), 55–63.


This article resumes the importance of using an interactive story (TIC) to enhance reading comprehension in autistic persons. The evolutionary development of autistic persons and their characteristics are described in the first part, specifically concerning the cognitive, linguistic, socio-affective and psychomotor development. In the second part, the importance of reading comprehension is approached from different perspectives. The third part focuses on the importance of the technology and how these can be used to support the teaching and learning of autistic persons in the area of literacy. Finally, the relevant conclusions are addressed.
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