School identity and the difference: A commitment from the PEI to think about the processes of inclusion
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Diversity; school identity; inclusion; interaction; PEI.

How to Cite

Mosquera Mosquera, C. E., & Ramírez-Martínez, J. E. (2020). School identity and the difference: A commitment from the PEI to think about the processes of inclusion. Praxis, 16(1), 65–75.


This article comes from the peer dialogues and dissertations of the doctoral thesis entitled The institutional educational project and the formation of political subjectivity for a post-conflict scenario: collective memory of the armed conflict and school identity. Its objective is to think about school identity recognizing the diversity of subjectivity in the framework of educational processes, taking into account the institutional educational project (PEI). The chosen methodology was oral history, and hermeneutic was chosen as the approach. An outstanding finding was the need for the school to establish educational processes based on the PEI, respecting the difference and diversity of subjectivity and avoiding pedagogical and administrative blindness. When the school moves away from totalizing models and methodologies, and when teachers and managers diversify their practices, the true school identity will be configured in the student when he feels the desire to join the school, given the welcome he receives and the experiences he experiences inside. The school needs to have a broad understanding of the students based on the logical principles of exclusion and inclusion, because the student is a logo-reason, but also an instinctive being.
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