Web-based portfolio: a tool for the development of reflective practice in initial teacher education
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ICT; Digital Portfolio; Reflective Practice; Levels of Reflection; Initial Teacher Education.

How to Cite

Vega-Díaz, M., & Appelgren-Muñoz, D. (2019). Web-based portfolio: a tool for the development of reflective practice in initial teacher education. Praxis, 15(1), 57–68. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.2983


Developing the abilities to use ICTs and reflective practice has become a great challenge for future teachers and initial teacher education programs, especially after the emergence of standards for initial teacher education in Chile. From this perspective, the present study aimed to identify pre-service teachers’ perceptions regarding the use of digital portfolios as a tool that could help them reflect upon their teaching practices. Instrumental case study methodology was used in this qualitative research, where two different teaching programs were selected. Fourth-year student teachers from these programs already had two years of experience working with a digital portfolio in their teaching practice. Two focus groups were created to obtain the necessary information. After analyzing the content according to pre-established categories, pre-service teachers’ perceptions made it possible to determine that digital portfolios are a technological tool that facilitates the transit between different levels of reflective practice, as long as its structure focuses on their learning process.
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