Centennials, global and digital citizens
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Digital Citizenship; Global Citizenship; Moral Foundations; Social Networks; Centennials.

How to Cite

Jasso-Peña, F. de J., Gudiño-Paredes, S., & Tamez-Solis, J. P. (2019). Centennials, global and digital citizens. Praxis, 15(1), 11–23. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.2981


The study sought to learn how centennials communicate the moral and socio-political aspects of their global and digital citizenship. A mixed-exploratory approach with a sequential design was selected for this study. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected in different stages of the research, although they were not dependent on one another. For the quantitative section, which is directly related to the first category intended for research, the population consisted of students from the national high school system, a public high school, and two private high schools located in Nuevo León, Mexico. Convenience sampling was used to determine the population, based on available computer access in the classroom. The final number of participants was 1 696 students, 899 of which were women and 797 were men. It was found that said participants openly communicated their socio-political stance on social networks, and they also value justice and reciprocity more when making moral decisions. For this reason, it is important to raise them so that they can participate actively and properly in a context of global communication.
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