Holistic model of pedagogical management for comprehensive training, at the University of Pamplona: Analysis of an experience
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Model; Holistic; Training; Integral; Pedagogy; Mediator.

How to Cite

Bracho-Pérez, K. J. (2018). Holistic model of pedagogical management for comprehensive training, at the University of Pamplona: Analysis of an experience. Praxis, 14(2), 205–214. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.2672


The article is the product of a pedagogical practice developed as an experience in the Children's Pedagogy Program, Villa del Rosario campus and Regional Center for Distance Education - (CREAD) Cúcuta extension. This analysis was carried out qualitatively, highlighting the innovation process, the benefits of the model and the relevance of strengthening the constructivist critical partner approach of the institution; sustained within the theoretical thinking that instructs, that true education is practical, reflective, and is accompanied by the action of the thinking and critical individual, who reflects on the need that faces and on the world to achieve transformation. Focused on the respect of freedom, autonomy and the moral of man, without forgetting his nature, interaction, commitment and vital space. The praxis served as an application exercise for the project involving teachers and students; The study belongs to the Pedagogical Research group, attached to the Faculty of Education of the University of Pamplona. It was concluded that the model allows the student to develop freely and spontaneously; is able to express their concerns and thoughts, act in a positive and harmonious way, openly comment on their growth during the development in the courses or on some specific learning achieved.
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