Influence of gender and religion in the use of the Wiki resource. A case study
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Wiki; Information and Communications Technology; Religion; Gender.

How to Cite

Moreno Guerrero, A. J., López Belmonte, J., & Fuentes Cabrera, A. (2018). Influence of gender and religion in the use of the Wiki resource. A case study. Praxis, 14(2), 171–185.


The Wiki resource is considered one of the components part of the known Web 2.0, that promotes the collaborative work and gives the learner an active role in the development of the teaching and learning process. The objective of this research is to know the influence of both, gender and religion, in the use of the Wiki educational tool in students enrolled in the Teaching Compulsory and Pre-University Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the Campus of Ceuta. The study was a descriptive and correlative nature, applying an analysis typical of the quantitative approach. The descriptive and correlative analysis is based on the existing relationship between gender and sex variables with the rest of the analyzed variables, focused on questions about the use of the Wiki resource. The results show different opinions, depending on the gender and religion practiced by the students in relation to the Wiki application. Likewise, religion is a determining factor that influences the assessment of this resource. The conclusions highlight positive evaluations of the resource, with small variations with regard to the issue of gender and religion of the students.
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