The quality of educational service preliminary results at the Fidélitas University
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University Education; Quality of Services; University Management; NPS; Consumer Satisfaction.

How to Cite

Rodriguez-Fernández, C. M. (2018). The quality of educational service preliminary results at the Fidélitas University. Praxis, 14(2), 155–170.


The investigation addressed the quality of the educational service at the Fidélitas University, during the year 2017, perceived by undergraduate students. The object of study was analyzed in the two venues of the University, and in the different class schedules. The objective on the one hand was to construct in a participatory way the quality assessment instrument, and on the other to determine the factors that explain the quality of the service received. To this end, the Student Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire was built collaboratively with students, academic and administrative directors through focus groups and in-depth interviews. Subsequently, a stratified probabilistic sampling of the questionnaires was carried out. The instrument was validated according to Alpha de Cronbach. The Kruskall-Wallis test was used to find differences in campus and schedules, and the Spearman Rho correlation to identify the variables associated with the teacher's performance. A Teacher's Net Promote Score of 51,42 % was found, with small differences per campus, and a better recommendation during daytime hours. Seven key factors were identified, that explain largely the student's satisfaction with their teacher, emphasizing attitudinal as the key to the perception of quality.
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