Ecopedagogy and living well: Sustainability paths
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Earth; Ecopedagogy; sustainable development; planetary consciousness; planetary citizenship; living well
Social communication - journalism.

How to Cite

Dimas Sánchez, P., Peña Moscoso, A. O., & Herrán Bocanegra, C. E. (2017). Ecopedagogy and living well: Sustainability paths. Praxis, 13(1), 84–92.


The discovery of Earth as a living evolving system has aroused new sensibilities and perceptions in human beings. On the one hand, the acknowledgment of Earth as our “patria-matria” (fatherland-motherland) of origin, has not only reminded us of our membership in the community of life, but it has also helped us to get rid of the anthropocentric ego that moved us away from her. On the other hand, and as a result, human beings show concern for keeping her safe, and, of course, the desire to guarantee our survival as a species. This document intends to shed some light on sustainability paths, and the development of practices that benefit the sustaining of all living beings on earth. We consider that it is necessary to start exploring new ways to inhabit our Earth, exercising responsibility within a planetary citizenship; it is on these grounds that we present our proposal for living well.
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