Teaching strategies in web technologies for virtual learning environments
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Virtual learning environments
virtual education
teaching strategies in virtual learning environments
educational technology.

How to Cite

Saza-Garzón, I. D. (2016). Teaching strategies in web technologies for virtual learning environments. Praxis, 12(1), 103–110. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.1851


The virtual learning environments (AVAs) have been a subject of discussion and questions mainly on finding the best teaching practices, which tools you can use them and how to achieve optimum utilization have better results in virtual education, for Therefore in this paper some elements about the characteristics, history, teaching, studies have virtual environments and web applications as tools to support teaching and learning, are set for a virtual tutor note the when planning, designing, creating and implementing online courses. Thus the reader will find concepts, explanations and different evolutionary processes that wins ICT and how are you have been involved in the educational context, spotting potential applications from mediation of teaching, plus some suggestions of how to carry out exposed use thereof in virtual learning environments to strengthen the different processes of teaching and learning.
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