Virtual learning objects and the development of autonomous learning in English
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Virtual learning Object (LO)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

How to Cite

Feria-Marrugo, I. M., & Zúñiga López, K. S. (2016). Virtual learning objects and the development of autonomous learning in English. Praxis, 12(1), 63–77.


This research focuses on two main aspects: the virtual learning objects as ICT tool for teaching and independent learning; with this we pursue to establish the relevance or not, of certain digital tools, represented as LO, that had certain characteristics, for support in the classroom, so that they fulfill an educational role for the teaching and learning processes, which demands methodologies and knowledge by the teacher and the right attitude by the student. Of course, to achieve that, the overall objective of the research is to “Evaluate the incidence of Virtual Learning Objects as digital didactic tool in teaching and in the development of autonomous learning in English in high school students of the Institution Bertha Gedeón Báladi “which was the chosen population. The methodology used was under the qualitative and quantitative approach with descriptive and evaluative. The research involved 54 students high school; the instruments used for data collection were surveys, interviews and direct observation, the validity of which was guaranteed by implementing a table triple entry into the categories were established, indicators, descriptors and instruments for data collection appropriate to the study methodology. For information analysis methodological triangulation that gave a more complex view of reality, therefore more complete and closer to it was used. The results revealed the high incidence of OVA as a motivating tool in the autonomous learning of the student and their preference to traditional materials, instead of resources lacking interactivity or multimedia.
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