Pedagogic influence of a dynamic geometry software in the geometric perception of the trigonometry functions sine, cosine and tangent
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trigonometric function
educational software
teaching sequence
Van Hiele’s model

How to Cite

Aristizábal-Zapata, J. H., Jiménez-Rojas, Ángela M., & Álvarez-Martínez, W. A. (2015). Pedagogic influence of a dynamic geometry software in the geometric perception of the trigonometry functions sine, cosine and tangent. Praxis, 11(1), 30–46.


In this research pedagogic influence of a dynamic geometry software in the geometric perception of the trigonometry functions sine, cosine and tangent, using Van Hiele’s model, which not only helps guide the process of learning in geometry having as reference phases, levels and characteristics of the model, it helps to assess cognitive and communicative skill of students. Research was framed from the policies and actions planned by Ministry of National Education (MEN) and the objectives of the National System of Educational Innovation, created in National Strategy for Digital Open Educational Resources (REDA). In this research we worked with a population of sixteen (16) students of Jorge Isaacs School of the Armenia (Q) City under the qualitative methodological approach, highlighting a meaningful experience when the investigation is developed showing the belonging of the pedagogic fact and emphasis the conscious level to other level of superior order to the contribution of the geometric perception of the referenced trigonometric functions.
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