teachers say reading and writing in a university degree in the Colombian Caribbean
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reading and writing practices

How to Cite

Cárdenas Cárdenas, L. M. (2014). teachers say reading and writing in a university degree in the Colombian Caribbean. Praxis, 10(1), 60–77. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.1359


Literacy practices in higher education: what students andThis article is the result of a survey conducted in 10 degrees in a University Colombian Caribbean whose general purpose was to describe, interpret and understand the literacy practices that take place in these degrees. To achieve this article was taken into account one aspect that research in general was conceived as the first specific objective. This aspect refers to the conceptions which teachers and students of the degrees on the teaching and learning of reading and writing academic texts in college. The study usually takes as a theoretical concept of academic literacy. Data collected through classroom observations, also came from surveys and interviews with students and teachers of the degrees. The results of the investigation determined that the teaching and learning of reading and writing in the undergraduate classroom is very limited. The development of pedagogical and didactic classes lacks reading and writing practices.
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