Leadership and culture in school organizations: A case study on the educational development
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educational organizations
structures of power
communication processes
institutional development plans for institutional development
institutional dynamics
collective interactions
network of relationships

How to Cite

Quevedo Toro, J., & Flórez Mancilla, A. (2011). Leadership and culture in school organizations: A case study on the educational development. Praxis, 7(1), 60–75. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.13


This communication presents the results of current research in the framework of the master’s SUE Caribbean whose objective is to establish the relationship between the leadership of managers and other institutional aspects of educational organizations, such as its history, power structures, processes of communication and development; having as purpose set the mode in which the leadership affects institutional development, in order to generate a process of construction of plans for institutional developments within the selected educational institutions. All this looking for enriching understanding of the complex reality of the educational institutions, understanding that allows shape routes or routes of transformation and change in the educational institution. The proposed study, seeks to satisfy the need for multiple insight into the reality of 2 educational institutions in the District of Santa Marta, Magdalena Department; therefore play an important role interpretation, it is to understand the institutional dynamic in a reflexive manner. Generated in us the concern of knowing inside to educational institutions as organizations which are generated interactions collective, explore the network of relationships that occur there, culture and leadership that these interactions and networks generate, seeking to find another dimension that explain and will shed light on the reality of our school.
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