Especialización económica de comunidades y su relación con el desarrollo de complejidad social: El caso de Chengue, Parte Tairona, Colombia

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Alejandro Dever


Community economic specialization and its relationship with the development of social complexity. The Case of Chengue, Parque Tairona, Colombia. Specialized production and the development of a regional economy may have been key factors in the consolidation of the Tairona political economy. This study focuses on the community of Chengue, in a cove of the northern coast of Colombia, where there are few options for agriculture and the reliance on  the exchange of salt and a few marine products with neighboring villages was crucial in the process of socio-political change from the XI century on. The evidence collected shows how a subsistence economy was transformed by regional economic system into a component of a complex chiefdom during a sequence that spans 1700 years.


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Cómo citar
Dever, A. (2010). Especialización económica de comunidades y su relación con el desarrollo de complejidad social: El caso de Chengue, Parte Tairona, Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 9(1), 123–145.
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