Viability of the implementation of ISO/TC 228/WG 5 for beaches' certification – study case for the Praia Brava, Itajaí, Santa Catarina – Brazil

Palabras clave

Beach coastal management
tourist beaches
beach quality standards.

Cómo citar

Barattela, G., & Polette, M. (2012). Viability of the implementation of ISO/TC 228/WG 5 for beaches’ certification – study case for the Praia Brava, Itajaí, Santa Catarina – Brazil. Intropica, 7(1), 129–135. Recuperado a partir de


The standards by which beach management systems are efficiently managed are best achieved through the application of strict guidelines and requirements, such as those that will be necessary to achieve ISO/TC 228/WG 5 certification. Standards such as these will aid in providing quality services for beachgoers. It is possible verify that the requirements of a standard are met by inserting them into an evaluation matrix that is adapted from the Model for Performance Evaluation of Integrated Coastal Management. Thus, we can ascertain the efficiency of the current management system. This paper focused on the perception of 11 institutions that are involved directly in local tourism in one Brazilian beach, Praia Brava, for which the effectiveness of applied management systems was checked. This beach was used as a particular case study for proving the inadequate management of Brazilian coastal environments. 


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