Quantification and economic assessment of the human-puma conflict in San Onofre, department of Sucre, Colombia
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rural communities
wildlife management
agricultural and livestock production
Puma concolor
Colombian Caribbean region

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Salcedo-Rivera, G. A. ., Cuello Alfaro , F. ., Vanegas-Arroyo, J. ., De La Ossa-V , J. ., Galván-Guevara, S. ., & Chacón-Pacheco, J. J. . (2022). Quantification and economic assessment of the human-puma conflict in San Onofre, department of Sucre, Colombia. Intropica, 173–180. Retrieved from


The puma (Puma concolor) is a feline native to America that is occasionally responsible for opportunistic attacks and predation of domestic animals of productive interest in Colombia, which is why it is considered an animal that generates conflicts. However, it is also a key species in the dynamics and balance of its ecosystems, for which the maintenance of its populations is transcendental. In this study, we present the first characterization and economic valuation of damage caused by P. concolor in the Colombian ecoregion of Montes de María. Specifically, we report a quantification of the losses of sheep and pigs in some rural localities of the municipality of San Onofre, department of Sucre, carried out through a semi-structured interview that was applied to producers between 2018 and 2020. Additionally, we present a bibliographic review of the evidence on the human-puma conflict in the Colombian Caribbean region. We found that the human-puma conflict situation is underrepresented in studies for the Caribbean region. Puma attacks in San Onofre were mainly linked to the vulnerability of the prey and the management of the enclosures. Losses for sheep producers ranged from $540.000 to $2.465.000, while for hog producers they ranged from $292.500 to $1.560.000. Given the importance of the region for the persistence of the species and the dependence of local producers on agricultural activities to support their families, interdisciplinary efforts must be combined to better understand this problem and propose viable and comprehensive solutions.
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