Colombia wild meat trade in the urban market of Plato, Magdalena, Colombia
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urban vendors

How to Cite

Gómez Herrera, R., García Rico, C. ., & Racero Casarrubia, J. . (2023). Colombia wild meat trade in the urban market of Plato, Magdalena, Colombia. Intropica, 107–112. Retrieved from


The bushmeat trade is an activity that has caused the persistent decline and local extinction of a large number of species, its irrational extraction is producing changes in the plant composition and depletion of wildlife in the forests. In this work, the species of wild fauna that are used for sale in the urban market of Plato, Magdalena, Colombia, were reported. Non-structured conversations were held with the vendors located in the urban market, the species used for trade, their local prices in Colombian pesos per kilogram and the regularity of the products at the points of sale were recorded. Twelve species of wildlife are sold in the urban market of Plato, Magdalena. The highest prices are presented by Sylvilagus sp. and Dasypus novemcinctus, while Hydrochoerus isthmius and Trachemys callirostris are the most common species in the stalls. This is the first report on the illegal trade of wild animal meat in the central region of the department of Magdalena. It is important to monitor this activity in the other municipalities of this subregion in order to know the possible impact that it may be generating in wild populations of this subregion in order to know the possible impact that it may be generating in wild populations.
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