Phytoplankton of the coastal zone of the department of Atlántico, Colombia
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littoral zone

How to Cite

De la Parra-Guerra, A. C., García-Alzate, C. ., & Gutiérrez-Moreno (†), L. C. . (2022). Phytoplankton of the coastal zone of the department of Atlántico, Colombia. Intropica, 162–172. Retrieved from


Biological communities are made up of taxonomic groups, where phytoplankton, as primary producer, has an ecological relevance, it serves to understand the structure and functioning of an ecosystem and the way in which they interact with physicochemical parameters. In order to evaluate the richness and abundance of phytoplankton in the coastal zone of the department of Atlántico and its association with physicochemical variables and thus know its spatial and temporal changes, monitoring was carried out during 2013. Five zones were located at along the coastal zone such as Astilleros, Santa Verónica, Puerto Velero, Puerto Colombia and Mallorquín. In each zone, three stations were established, located in a straight line, with a distance between them of 5 km. For the collection of the phytoplankton and chlorophyll a (Cl-a) samples, 24 L of surface water were filtered at each of the stations, with a conical drum with a 24 µm pore diameter mesh and with 500 amber bottles. mL, respectively, which were kept in the dark. Additionally, physicochemical variables were recorded in situ. A total of 560 Cél.mL-1 of phytoplankton were identified, grouped into 47 species and five classes. The Bacillariophyceae presented the highest density and richness, followed by the Dinophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Chaetoceros sp. (83 Cél.mL-1) and Chaetoceros lorenzianus (64 Cél.mL-1) were the most abundant and most representative species precisely because of their abundance. Jaccard's analysis showed a dissimilarity of 80 % between stations 5A, 5B, 5C, indicating a different composition. In general, the monitoring stations that behaved as contaminated sites with a high influence of the waters of the Magdalena River.
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