Towards an integrative scheme for storing and analysing oceanographic, ecological and fisheries information: fisheries information: fisheries assessment and ecology information system, SIEEP
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Fisheries management
Caribbean Sea

How to Cite

Duarte, L. O., Altamar, J., & Escobar, F. D. (2005). Towards an integrative scheme for storing and analysing oceanographic, ecological and fisheries information: fisheries information: fisheries assessment and ecology information system, SIEEP. Intropica, 2(1), 35–49. Retrieved from


The Fisheries Assessment and Ecology Information System (SIEEP) emerges from the necessity of a efficient scheme for the storing, standardizing, validation and recovering of the informative basis (biotic and abiotic) to develop the integral approaches claimed by the scientific community for the study of fisheries resources. It is a digital database developed in Microsoft® Access 2002, with a relational and hierarchical model for data storing integrated by three components that include several modules: document catalogue, biotic information and abiotic information. It has a graphic interfaces system of intuitive access through which users can navigate in the application, store data, explore information, execute queries and reports that are visualised in the screen, are exported in several file formats or are printed. The gathering of the information derived from studies carried out in the Upwelling Ecosystem off Colombia, Caribbean Sea, since 1970 was the first application of the SIEEP. An informative basis with over 250.000 records was obtained, that for sure will become an obligated source for fisheries researches in the region. The SIEEP allows storing useful information for analysis and management strategies  that place fisheries in the ecosystem context. Contributions with data and initiatives for the permanent update of the SIEEP are welcomed.
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