Composition and concentration of aerial particulate material in a sector of Santa Marta city (Magdalena, Colombia)
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particulate materials
urban area

How to Cite

Manjarrés García, G., Manjarrés Pinzón, G., & Linero Cueto, J. (2005). Composition and concentration of aerial particulate material in a sector of Santa Marta city (Magdalena, Colombia). Intropica, 2(1), 23–33. Retrieved from


The composition and average concentrations (µg/m3) of particulate material are recorded in one sector, corresponding to urban area of Santa Marta city, (Magdalena, Colombia), with gravimetric methods and X- Rays diffraction spectrometry. The minerals found correspond to mineral and combustion coal, halite, quartz, feldespates and arcilles. The average concentrations are between 91.48 and 165.63 µg/m3 , during July to December 2002.
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