Phytoplankton community in a beach of the central coast of Venezuela and its relationship with environmental variables in an annual cycle


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Caribbean Sea

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Pereira, C., Ferrara De Giner , G. ., Troccoli-Ghinagli, L. ., Hernández, V. ., Peña, C. ., Losada, R. ., & Vera, F. . (2021). Phytoplankton community in a beach of the central coast of Venezuela and its relationship with environmental variables in an annual cycle. Intropica, 16(2), Postprint. Retrieved from


Phytoplankton is an excellent indicator of water quality and the environmental conditions. In order to identify the microalgae species that are indicators of the hydrographic conditions of the marine and coastal area of a beach located in the central zone of Venezuela and to understand the spatial and temporal variability of its community structure, 13 monthly samplings were conducted from April 2010 to April 2011. Phytoplankton samples were collected and physicochemical variables of water quality were estimated. The phytoplankton community showed a richness of 168 species or morphotypes distributed in 94 diatoms, 55 dinoflagellates, 8 chlorophytes, 5 euglenophytes, and one flagellate. Temporary changes were evidenced in its community structure, related to the contribution of continental waters during periods of maximum rainfall and a deep water ascent during the first months of the year. There was a high biological diversity of this community with a variety of species that included benthic, planktonic, coastal, estuarine, and oceanic microalgae. Additionally, the species Trichodesmium thiebautii, Pseudonitzschia serieta, Asterionellopsis glacialis, Chaetoceros socialis, Thalassiosira nordeskioldii, and Tripos massiliensis were identified as bioindicators of the environmental conditions of the area, due to their relationship with specific physicochemical variables and their ability to differentiate the community spatially and temporally.
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