Delimitation of potential water recharge zones in the upper hydrographic unit Quebrada Arriba, department of Madriz, Nicaragua


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hydrographic unit
water management
zone mapping
conservation of resources

How to Cite

Urbina G., A. A., & Maradiaga-F, E. V. . (2021). Delimitation of potential water recharge zones in the upper hydrographic unit Quebrada Arriba, department of Madriz, Nicaragua. Intropica, 16(1), 43–50. Retrieved from (Original work published April 23, 2021)


Groundwater is an indispensable resource for the supply of water for human consumption and the development of agricultural activities in rural areas of the country. In order to develop strategies and actions of conservation and water management by the communities, the mapping of potential water recharge zones was applied, in the hydrographic unit Quebrada Arriba, located in the municipality of Yalagüina, Department of Madriz, Nicaragua. The Water Recharge Potential Zones (ZPRH) map provides a valuable working tool for environmental management and provides the essential elements for the development of a territory management policy. The methodology allowed to delimit spatial units of water recharge in an integral way and associates environmental variables, such as morphological factors, soils and anthropic effects, as elements that govern the storage and movement of water in the soil resource. The study determined that in the Quebrada Arriba hydrographic unit there are 4 categories of recharge possibility, ranging in a very low possibility with an area of 91 ha (14 %) 286 ha in low recharge category (44 %), followed by a moderate possibility in 214.5 ha (33 %), and high recharge chance at 58.5 ha (9 %). Consequently, the physical context of the basin is classified as moderate water infiltration capacity in the soil. It is concluded that, in areas with the possibility of low and moderate recharge are the areas to be prioritized, in actions aimed at the protection and conservation of natural resources.
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