Evaluation of the germination of the pollen of Zea mays in vitro methodologies in Santa Marta, Colombia


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pollen viability; culture medium, pollen stain, Synko hybrid

How to Cite

Escobar Pallares, R. S. ., & Rodriguez, C. P. (2020). Evaluation of the germination of the pollen of Zea mays in vitro methodologies in Santa Marta, Colombia. Intropica, 15(2). Retrieved from


Pollen viability is a fundamental parameter in the formation of the seed, there are different techniques for its evaluation, of which in vitro germination presents reliable results. Corn pollen has difficulty germinating in culture media due to morphology and physiology. This study aimed to evaluate five In Vitro germination formulations on maize pollen of the Synko hybrid sown under the climatic conditions of Santa Marta-Colombia. The anthesis period occurred 50 days after sowing; the collected pollen grains were placed immediately, on five culture medium already referenced in corn, which are made up of different formulations of agar - agar, sucrose, calcium nitrate and boric acid.The statistical arrangement was a Complete Random Design, eight replications per treatment and two replications over time. The grain count was made on four fields per Petri dish, on 50 grains per field, on a Leica M205 stereo microscope, and on a 40X compound light microscope. The staining technique with 2 % acetocarmin was used as a reference, evaluated on 10 slides per replica, 100 pollen grains per slide. The Culture Medium made up of 0.6 % agar-agar, 17 % sucrose, and 0.03 % calcium nitrate, registered the highest average germination of pollen grains; this is 70.13 %. Pollen staining with acetocarmine exceeded the percentages of viability In Vitro
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