Potential distribution of ornate slider Trachemys ornata in Mexico


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Emydidae; Jalisco; Maxent; Nayarit; Sinaloa; climatic variables

How to Cite

Cupul-Magaña, F. G., Flores-Guerrero, U. S., & Escobedo-Galván, A. H. (2020). Potential distribution of ornate slider Trachemys ornata in Mexico. Intropica, 15(1), 66–70. Retrieved from


The Ornate Slider (Trachemys ornate) is an endemic freshwater turtle that occurs in western Mexico. Its distribution ranges from Culiacán, in Sinaloa state, to Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco. Our goal was to model and map the potencial distribution of Ornate Slider used localities records and ten climate variables as environmental predictors. The modeling was done using Maxent software. Based on the model, the probability to find the species is higher towards the coastal plains of Sinaloa, Nayarit and northern Jalisco, as well as in drainages. The potential distribution map, will be useful to focus effective sampling efforts in specific areas of the region.
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