Annual variation of hydrographic parameters at the confluence of the Jamapa river and Moreno stream (Mexico)


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Jamapa River; Veracruz Reef System; Hypoxia; Total nitrogen; Hydrologic annual variation

How to Cite

Salas Monreal, D., Díaz-Hernández , A. ., Áke-Castillo, J. A. ., Granados- Barba, A., & Riverón-Enzástiga, M. L. . (2020). Annual variation of hydrographic parameters at the confluence of the Jamapa river and Moreno stream (Mexico): Jamapa river hidrography. Intropica, 15(1), 59–65. Retrieved from


Weekly data of the sea surface temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen and Chlorophyll-a were used to elucidate the temporal variations of the environmental conditions of the Jamapa River (Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico), as well as to identify any unfavorable conditions for biological organisms, such as hypoxia or high concentrations of nitrogen. With the data obtained from September 2017 to November 2018, it can be observed that the oxygen values were higher during the northern season, due to atmosphere-ocean exchange of gases. Those values decreased drastically during the rainy and dry seasons. However, this variation did not affect the chlorophyll-a concentration values, which were almost constant during the sampled period, while the values of the temperature and salinity depicted a maximum from February (2017) to May (2018) and decreased when the rainy season begins.
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