New avifauna records from the arid upper Magdalena river valley in Huila, Colombia
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cisandean; distribution; dry ecosystems, inter-Andean valleys; transandean

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Padilla, O. (2020). New avifauna records from the arid upper Magdalena river valley in Huila, Colombia. Intropica, 15(1), 24–33. Retrieved from


The arid region of the Magdalena river in the department of Huila has limited studies on birdlife and, in parallel, it has undergone notable anthropic changes. In this scenario, we developed a bird survey to contribute to a better knowledge about this birdlife. For this, we surveyed several routes of variable lengths, accumulating 92 hours of observations in agricultural areas nearby El Quimbo dam during its filling and maintenance phase. The following results are highlighted: new records of two species were found in the region with known distribution in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, Atticora fasciata and Ammodramus aurifrons; three species so far unrelated to the arid valley of the upper Magdalena (Heliornis fulica, Bubo virginianus and Egretta rufescens); new localities in the upper valley for four species (Leucophaeus atricilla, Rynchops niger, Sarcoramphus papa and Pitangus lictor); and also altitudinal  and habitat novelties for two species (Accipiter striatus and Asio stygius). The implications of these records are interesting for the knowledge of the Colombian birdlife, since they fill gaps in knowledge about its regional distribution and contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of colonization, the species exchange and the bird communities assembly within the region in the current scenario of landscape transformation
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