Una línea de referencia histórica acerca de la distribución espacial del machuelo (Opisthonema oglinum) en el área de afloramiento del Mar Caribe de Colombia
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pelagic fish; GIS; fisheries acoustics, geostatistics; Caribbean Sea

How to Cite

Manjarrés-Martínez , L. M. ., & Cuello, F. . (2019). Una línea de referencia histórica acerca de la distribución espacial del machuelo (Opisthonema oglinum) en el área de afloramiento del Mar Caribe de Colombia . Intropica, 14(2), 148–159. Retrieved from


A geostatistical analysis was performed to model and evaluate the spatial structure of the small-sized pelagic machuelo (Opisthonema oglinum) in the northern Colombian Caribbean Sea, from biomass densities and temperature and salinity data recorded on three acoustic surveys carried out in this area during the period 1997-1998. The comparison between the distribution of O. oglinum and the geographical coverage of the artisanal fisheries that capture it, either as target resource or as bycatch, shows a wide zone where this resource is available but there is no fishery attempting its catch. Scientific community, government agencies and potential users are provided with information about distributions of small-pelagic fish and artisanal fisheries effort, both being needed for appropiate exploitation and management measures.
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