Recruitment of scleractinian corals in artificial substrate in isla Fuerte, colombian Caribbean


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corals recruitment; Sinú river; sedimentation; vertical gradient; El Inglés reef

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Pareja Ortega, S., Quan Young, L., Londoño Mesa, M. H., & Acosta Moreno, L. A. (2020). Recruitment of scleractinian corals in artificial substrate in isla Fuerte, colombian Caribbean. Intropica, 15(1), 16–23. Retrieved from


Coral recruitment can be used as an indicator of the health status and resilience of the reef ecosystem. The use of artificial substrates can be used to evaluate the recruitment of individuals and/or the system repopulation by scleractinian corals. El Inglés reef, in Isla Fuerte (Colombian Caribbean) is being exposed to the influence of Sinú and Magdalena rivers. Coral recruitment was quantified in artificial substrates using terracotta plates of 15x15 cm, at three depths (4-6, 12-14, 22-24 m) with replacement every two months for a year. Additionally, sediment deposited on plate surface was collected for each sample. A total of 30 recruits (1 to 6 recruits for sample) were registered, showing differences between the density of recruits over time, being higher between June-August coinciding with a reduction in the sediment loads. No differences in recruits density by depth were observed. The quantity of sedimentation showed differences over time and depth; only an inverse correlation (r2= -0.34, p=0.04, n=36) between recruits density of and sediment amount in deep areas was found in the reef, indicating that the larger load the sediments produced a negative effect on recruits. Coral recruitment registered was low compared with other reefs in the Caribbean, suggesting its vulnerability to high sedimentation by the Sinú River, particularly silt+clays during February-April-June. However, registered recruitment suggests that dominant and survival adult species in the reef as A. tenuifolia, P. astreoides, P. porites and S. siderea, maintain their reproductive activity
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